10 miscellaneous settings, 1 enter sample designation – KERN & SOHN DBS 60-3 User Manual

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10 Miscellaneous settings

10.1 Enter sample designation

A 4-digit sample code can be saved for a sample under menu item “CoDE”. This is
output in the measuring protocol.

1st and 2nd digit: „0 – 9“ or „A –Z“ or „_“
3th and 4th digit: “0-9” (the value is automatically increased by “1” for each
measurement, it reverts to “00” upon reaching “99”)

Default setting: „0000“

 Press the Menu button to access the menu and

the first menu item “PRoGRM” will be displayed.

 Use the navigation keys   to select the

menu item „CoDE“ .

 Press ENTER to confirm and a 4-digit number

will be displayed. The active digit is flashing.

 Use the navigation buttons to enter the required

sample designation, see chap. 7.1.1 “Numerical

 Press ESC to return to Moisture analysis mode.