Cygnion CG 2400 User Manual

Page 241

background image






defined 6
maximum number 10

IPEI code 56, 191


key click, changing 180
key sound on handset 54
keylock 50, 189
keypad 46

commands from handset 59
placing calls using 47

keys, handset 48, 49, 160


languages on handset 55, 183
launching installation 27
light, message waiting indicator 181
line indicators 66, 68
Line Wizard

changing greeting 77
chaning call routing 77
features 77

lines in use, how to tell 66
list of contacts 126
listening to emails 9
listening to messages

from PC 126, 141

listening to saved messages 149
listening to your emails 7
logging calls 8


mail icon on handset 50
mailboxes 144

maximum number supported 7
users with 68

maintaining battery charge 19
maintaining the system 4
making calls 47
managing incoming/outgoing calls 157
MAPI 9, 23, 25

configuring 204
defined 6

memos, recording 58
menu bars

Call Log window 71
Configuration window 70
console 65

menu for handset 50, 51, 178
menu keys on handset 48
menu options on the handset 2, 52

See also pre-recorded messages

message notification 50

forwarding 146
frequency 146
on handset 54
system inbox 147

message waiting indicator light 181

accessing from the handset 148
checking 58
deleting, from PC 142
greeting 151
listening to from the PC 72
listening to, from PC 126, 141
notification 145
outgoing 150
recording from the PC 151
recording greetings 109
recording rejection message 88
redirecting from the PC 126
rejection 151, 155
reminder 147
retrieving 147
retrieving remotely 150
saved 149
setting maximum length 88
sorting 142
system voicemail 77
types of outgoing 150
welcome 87


features 84
integrating with MicrosoftOutlook 86
properties 85
switching to CyberGenie messaging


unified 143