Cygnion CG 2400 User Manual
Page 211

Speak normally
Pronounce words clearly as you would during
everyday conversation. Whispering or shouting
makes it difficult for CyberGenie to understand you.
not questions
Phrase your commands as statements, not
questions. For example, if you want to record a
memo, you should say Record a memo!, not
Record a memo?
Yes and no
erGenie asks you a question, most often
your response will be Yes or No. If CyberGenie has
trouble understanding, try saying Yes, please; Yep;
No, thanks or Nope, or pressing 1 on the handset
for Yes or 2 for No.
Asking for help
You can ask for help at any time by saying something
like I need help, or Help me, and CyberGenie will
guide you. You can also press 0 at any time when
using the handset to get CyberGenie’s help.
Calling by name
You can use phrases similar to the examples below to
call someone at home, the office, a mobile phone, or
a pager number: John Smith or John Smith on his
pager or John Smith at work or John Smith on
his cell phone number.
Sometimes CyberGenie is not sure of the name and
will ask you to confirm it. You can cancel the call by
saying No, Don’t; or Stop when CyberGenie
announces that the call is about to be placed.
Setting up your
voicemail greeting
One of the first things you can do is set up your
voicemail greeting.
1. To access CyberGenie, press
on the handset,
then say CyberGenie.
2. Try one of the following phrases or a similar
phrase: Personal greetings or Personal
voicemail announcement or I want to
change my personal greetings.
8 1 1
Listening to
When appears on the handset, you have new
unread messages. To access messages:
1. Press
on the handset and say CyberGenie to
access the main menu.