Cygnion CG 2400 User Manual
Page 237

searching for 134
setting default phone number 130
setting up phonetically 197
sorting 133
speech recognition of 127
using special characters 129
Contacts button 65
contacts list 23, 161
Contacts window 69
accessing 127
business card view 134
changing view 133, 134
spreadsheet view 134
context-sensitive help 73
controlling access to handset 54
controlling volume 48
customizing handsets 177
acessing via speech interface 57
basic commands 59
button colors and their meanings 61
button in system tray 61
changing voice gender 82
close application 63
console 61
definition of 5
placing calls using 47
restart application 63
rollup menu 61
shut down application 61
CyberGenie key on handset 48
CyberGenie logo 65
CyberGenie session
defined 6
how to start 48
maximum number 10
CyberGenie@Work 61
console 62
defined 5
installing 23
software 1, 28
default phone number
default setting for handset 55
default settings for handset 196
defining users 38
definitions of terms 4
base station 195
contacst 79
contacts 130
contacts from Contact Wizard 79
entire call log 140
external lines 91
messages, from PC 142
single call record 140
users 78, 113
users from User Wizard 78
deleting a voicemail from the computer
describing a phone line 35
desk mount
base station 21
for handset charger 16
DG 200 Handset 7
from PC 119
Dialing Properties window 90
dialing, controlled 55
digital technology 1
direct call feature 187
discreet ring
contrast 182
contrast on handset 55
handset 50
icons 50
light 182
text 50
display name
of user, on handset 112
display, appearance on handset 55
downloading phone numbers to your
handset 8
duration of call 50