Cygnion CG 2400 User Manual
Page 236

handset menu language 183
handset PIN 54
handset PINs 191
key click 180
pronunciation of names in CyberGenie
rejection message 155
ringer sound 179
voicemail greeting 58
volume level 179
welcome greeting 58, 151
charger 16
charging the handset 18
battery pack 16
charging time for handset 18
checking messages 58
choosing a location for your base station
CLEAR key 48
clearing numbers from the handset 187,
close console 65
base station authorization code 81
commands, basic 59
components 15
conference calls 8
from a handset 172
from the PC 118, 123
full 75, 79
options from Configuration window 80
Configuration button 65
Configuration window 70
accessing 79
call log parameters 83
messaging features 84
properties panel 80
resources panel 80
system setup 80
configuration wizards 34, 65, 67, 75
connected mode 52
call activity, viewing 68
call log button 65
Call Log window 71
Call Progress button 65
Call Progress window 68, 69
closing 65
Configuration button 65
Configuration window 70
Contacts button 65
CyberGenie@Work 62
delete voicemail 72
help button 65
line indicators, meaning of colors 66
listen to messages 72
miniaturizing 64, 65
user/contact information 68
VoiceMail button 65
Voicemail window 72
Wizards button 65
Wizards window 67
console buttons 65
console, CyberGenie 61
Contact Wizard
adding, editing and removing contact
features 79
activating for handset download 69
activating for speech recognition 69
adding general data 128
adding phone numbers 130
adding, editing and removing, from
Contact Wizard 79
adding, editing or removing 79
alias 127, 128
data 24
default phone number 129
deleting 130
dialing from the handset 53
display name 127, 129
editing data 130, 131
enabling download to handset 127,