Cygnion CG 2400 User Manual
Page 118

00 Us
over the existing number with any two digits
between 10 and 98.
First Name
Last Name
Display Name The user name to display on the
handset. You are limited to eight characters,
including spaces. If you leave this field blank, the
handset display will default to the user’s name,
first and last, using as many characters as will fit
in the eight-character limit.
User PIN You must enter a user PIN (or accept
the default of 1111).
NOTE: Handsets can
also be assigned from
the Handset resource.
Voicemail Only or Handset with Voicemail
Handset with Voicemail is only available if there
are unassigned handsets subscribed to the
system. To assign a handset from this panel, click
the down arrow to view and select from a list of
available handsets. All users entered are assigned
a mailbox whether or not a handset is available.
3. Click Next. The New User, Step 2 of 4: External
Number screen will appear:
Enter the contact numbers for this user.
Contact numbers are not required. However, if
you want CyberGenie@Work to be able to forward
message notices to this user on a remote phone,