GTCO Summagraphics ADB Interface - Users Guide User Manual

Page 11

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Summagraphics 11

Installing the Tablet Driver

In order for the SummaSketch tablet to communicate with the software application, the
system must contain a driver. A driver is a program that collects tablet data and converts it
into information that can be read, understood and used by the application. The
Summagraphics ADB driver is found on the Summagraphics ADB Utilities diskette that
comes with the tablet.

Before installing the software, remove all old versions of Summagraphics drivers, installers
and utilities from the startup disks. To remove an old driver, locate the SummaTablet
control panel file in the System folder or the Control Panel folder located within the System
and drag the SummaTablet control panel to the Recycle Bin.

NOTE: Driver removal or installation involves changes system resources. Some virus
protection programs may try to prevent this; therefore it is recommended that you
temporarily turn off any virus protection software before installation or removal of the

To install the driver:

1. Insert the Summagraphics ADB Utilities diskette into your disk drive. The following

window opens:

2. Double click on the Installer icon. The Easy Install dialog box appears.