GTCO Super L III - Users Guide User Manual
Page 9
Super L III 9
Connecting the Transducer
Six standard transducers are available for the Super L III.
Cordless Stylus
Cordless 4-button Cursor
Cordless 16-button Cursor
Corded Stylus
Corded 4-button Cursor
Corded 16-button Cursor
If you are using a corded transducer, attach the connector to the jack labeled POINTER on
the tablet’s Controller.
Applying Power to Super L III
With the wall mount power supplies, Super L III is powered when the unit is plugged into
the outlet and the power switch is turned On. If you have a desktop supply, turn on the
power supply switch. Super L III performs a self-test and responds with a series of tones
when powered up.
When you apply power, you should instantly hear four short “Success!” tones and
simultaneously see the green prox light in the upper right corner of the tablet flash four
times. This response indicates that the Super L III is functioning properly.
If you hear any tones before the “Success!” tones or if you do not hear the four “Success!”
tones or if the lights on the transducer do not flash four times, there is a problem.
Carefully review the installation step-by-step and correct any errors. If there is still a
problem, go to the Troubleshooting section of this manual.
Configuring Your Computer
Apply power to the computer. Configure your graphic application software to operate with
Super L III. Many application programs provide configuration information for specific
digitizers. If the GTCO CalComp by Turning Technologies Super L III digitizer is not listed,
you can use the configuration for GTCO Digi-Pad Type 5 or Type 5A (T5/T5A), CalComp
3400, Summagraphics Microgrid III or ID Series.
If necessary, install the appropriate digitizer driver(s) from the TabletWorks CD supplied
(AutoCAD, Windows and mouse drivers are included).
NOTE: Install only the drivers that are necessary for Super L III to work with your
application software.