Great Planes SlowPoke Sport 40 Kit - GPMA0492 User Manual

Page 14

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18. Glue the 3/32" die-cut balsa aileron ribs (W6) in

position as shown on the plan. Try to avoid letting any parts
stick to the wing panel. Remove the aileron from the board.

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19. Remove about 1/8" of the balsa aileron LE edge at

the horn cut-out to allow the ply horn plate to be recessed
into the aileron. Glue the 1/8 die-cut ply horn plate (HP)
into the notch.

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20. Turn the aileron over and glue a piece of 3/32" x

3/4" x 1-1/2" leftover balsa over the top of the horn plate,
being sure to cover the area as shown in the photo.

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21. Place the aileron back in position in the wing, flat

on the board. Shape the top of the aileron LE to match the
wing TE.

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22. Using the plan for reference, measure, cut and glue

leftover pieces of 1/4" x 1/4" x 1-1/2" balsa stick to the inside
of the wing TE and aileron LE to provide more surface area
for the hinge slots. Be sure the sticks are centered vertically.
Bevel and hinge the ailerons the same as you did the elevator
and rudder.

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23. Locate a 1/8" die-cut ply aileron servo tray (ST).

IMPORTANT: If you will be using mini servos, only punch
out the forward section of the servo tray, then wick thin CA
into the remaining seams. For standard servos, remove the
three center pieces, then glue the two servo doublers to
each end of the servo opening. The doublers must face
toward the bottom of the wing. Glue the aileron servo tray
into the notch in the W-3 rib and also to the spar. Apply a
fillet of thick CA to the joint between the tray and the rib.