GME TX3520W User Manual
Page 10

PA G E 1 0 I n s t r u c t I o n m A n uA l
t X 3 5 1 0 s / t X 3 5 2 0 s / t X 3 5 4 0 s
t X 3 5 1 0 s / t X 3 5 2 0 s / t X 3 5 4 0 s
I n s t r u c t I o n m A n uA l
PA G E 1 1
to accommodate the blending of newer 80 channel
narrowband uHF radios with the original 40 channel
wideband radios, your radio has been fitted with two user
selectable receiver bandwidth filters. while the use of
either filter will provide superb receive audio, selecting the
wideband filter while on channels 1-40 will further increase
your receiver’s tolerance to older 40 channel wideband
radios that might otherwise sound over-modulated or
mildly distorted. select the narrowband filter to improve
the selectivity of the receiver to provide greater resistance
to interference from older 40 channel wideband radios
operating on adjacent channels.
to select the desired filter
1. Press and hold MENU to enter the menu.
2. Press MENU repeatedly until ‘nBFlt’ (narrowband Filter)
or ‘wBFlt’ (wideband Filter) is displayed.
3. rotate the Channel control (or press or keys) to
make the desired selection.
when finished briefly press the PTT to exit the menu.
Narrowband filter selected
Wideband filter selected
the wideband receiver filter setting is only applied
to channels 1 – 40. channels 41 – 80 always use the
narrowband filter.
the modulation level of signals heard on the uHF cB band
has always varied considerably resulting in noticeable
face and speak at a normal voice level. the microphone is
quite sensitive so it is not necessary to raise your voice or
shout. release the PTT when you have finished talking. the
icon will disappear.
Always listen to ensure the channel is free
before transmitting.
the radio has a built-in time-out timer that automatically
limits transmissions to a maximum of 3 minutes of
continuous operation. this feature is required by the AcmA to
prevent accidental blocking of the frequency should your PTT
become jammed or be otherwise pressed accidentally. the
time-out period can be changed by your dealer.
when the time-out timer activates, the radio will beep for 5
seconds then the
symbol will flash continuously. normal
operation will be restored once the PTT is released.
the liquid crystal Display and keys are backlit for easier
viewing at night. the backlight remains on whenever the
radio is switched on.
adjusting the Backlighting
the backlight brightness and colour can be adjusted for
personal preference. there are three backlight settings
BKlgT (Brightness setting): Provides a continuously
variable brightness adjustment from very dim to full
COlOr (Colour setting): Provides a continuously variable
adjustment through the full colour spectrum.
White (Whiteness setting): controls the colour
saturation of the selected colour from deep colour to white
(no colour).
to adjust the backlighting;
1. Hold the Channel control (or lVl key) to select the
Backlight mode. ‘BKlGt’ is displayed.
2. rotate the channel control left or right (or press or
keys) to adjust the brightness.
3. Briefly press the Channel control (or lVl key) to select
the colour setting mode. ‘color’ is displayed.
4. rotate the Channel control left or right (or press or
keys) to adjust the colour.
5. Briefly press the Channel control (or lVl key) to select
the whiteness setting mode. ‘wHItE’ is displayed.
6. rotate the Channel control left or right (or press or
keys) to adjust the colour saturation. For the deepest
colour range, reduce the wHItE setting.
to exit, press and hold the Channel control (or lVl key).
auto-colour Mode
the radio has an automatic colour-change option that, when
activated, will cause the display colour to automatically cycle
through the available colour spectrum. the colour-change
option can be enabled temporarily as an aid to choosing
a display colour or can be set to cycle continuously as the
preferred display colour setting.
to enable the auto-colour option,
7. Hold the Channel control (or lVl key) to select the
Backlight mode. ‘BKlGt’ is displayed.
8. Briefly press the Channel control (or lVl key) to select
the colour setting mode. ‘color’ is displayed.
9. while in the colour setting mode, briefly press the MENU
key to enable or disable the auto-colour option. when
enabled, the display lighting will continuously cycle
through the available colour spectrum. when disabled the
display will hold the last selected colour.
to exit, press and hold the Channel control (or lVl key). If
auto-colour is still enabled, the display lighting will continue
to cycle through the colour spectrum until disabled using the
steps above.
the back-light setting function will automatically
time out after 6 seconds if no further adjustments have
been made.