Flight tuning map – Futaba CGY750 User Manual
Page 14

7KH>)OLJKW7XQLQJ@ĺ7KLVPHQXFRQWDLQVDOORIWKHIXQFWLRQVQHFHVVDU\WRVHWXSWKH&* (1) Start display The editing menus are scrolled by pushing the MODE+ or – key. (2) Gyro working mode [default: CMT] The available choices are CMT, Normal or AVCS. The CMT mode will allow you to select ei- (3) Gyro base gain setting [default: 100% ranges: 0~150%] This sets the Cyclic Gyro Base Gain. If the aileron and elevator Gain Channels are set to [INH] (4) Aileron gain separation [default: 6pnt ranges: 0~20pnt] This parameter sets the aileron and elevator of the gyro gain separation. 6pnt means the ai- (5) Cyclic rate setting [default: 300d/s ranges: 100~500d/s] Cyclic rate sets the maximum cyclic pitch and roll rate (d/s) as limited by the model’s ability The second line shows the actual roll or flip rate for the roll or pitch axes for an aileron or (6) Control gain [default: 36% ranges: 10~100%] Maximum roll and pitch rate are determined by CYC.rate, SWS.rate, head speed, model (7) Exponential [default: -20% ranges: -100~0~+100%] Tune the exponential as desired to soften or sharpen the feel of the cyclic controls around (8) Response style [default: 12n ranges: 1~20n] [RespSty] tunes the overall heading hold/AVCS effect of the system. Values of 8-12 n are (9) Stability gain setting [default: 5 ranges: 1~10] Depending on many variables such as model, rotor blade design, head speed, head damp- (10) Elevator pre compensation [default: 0 ranges: 0~10] This parameter sets the F/F (feed forward) mixing amount. There are 10 choices with in- (11) High pitch gain [default: 60% ranges: 0~100%] HP.gain (high pitch) sets the cyclic gyro’s internal control algorithm gain with high or low FLIGHT TUNING MAP F LIGHT T UNING M ENU D EFINITIONS A ND A DJUSTMENT Push DATA +/– key Push MODE +/– key
ther AVCS or Normal mode via the transmitter. In Normal mode the gyro will always operate
in Normal Rate Mode, and when AVCS it will always operate in AVCS Mode. Use the data [+]
or [-] key to select the desired working mode.
within the CGY750 [S.BUS]->Basic setting menu, then the remote transmitter gain adjust-
ment is not available. Thus the actual working gain for the cyclic gyros is set by using data [+]
or [-] keys within this parameter
leron gain is lesser 6 points with elevator gain. It is useful when the aileron and elevator gain
channels are set to same channel and aileron and elevator gain are adjusted at the same
time. The rationale for this parameters lies in the fact that most models functionally will toler-
ate more gyro gain on the elevator axis than on the aileron axis
to reach that set rate. Pitch and roll rates are set together with this single parameter.
elevator stick input.
type, and blade choice. After the maximum desired pitch and roll rate are determined, con-
trol gain can be used to tune how aggressive the model feels when cyclic command is input.
Ideally, the model’s response to an initial input should feel proportional and linear to the
maximum pitch or roll rate. For certain low(er) headspeed 3D set ups with some brands of
blades, tuning the control gain to the 40% range may yield better overall hold during man-
ueuvers and control feel, but the limiting factor for how high the value can be increased will
be the appearance of nonlinear control feel or even oscillation during maneuvers. Adjust
center stick. NEGATIVE values soften control feel; POSITIVE values sharpen control
feel. Note that any exponential present in the TRANSMITTER adds to the value set in the
CGY750. It is suggested that the exponential function in the CGY750 be used primarily to
tune for a linear control feel, and that has been the goal of the default setting. From there if
the pilot wishes to soften or sharpen the feel of the model around center cyclic stick, then
the transmitter’s exponential function would best be used.
compatible with moderate to aggressive flying styles and are good for most sport/3D flying.
Note that with high(er) [RespSty] values, try to ensure that the swashplate is reasonably
level prior to spool up.
ening, and servo choice, the amount of transmitter cyclic gyro gain that the model will toler-
ate without oscillation may be lower than the percentage that provides the most stable flight.
If the model is observed to be oscillating or wobbling at your chosen headspeed with low
transmitter cyclic gyro gain percentages, lowering the Stability.Gn parameter a point or two
will allow for higher cyclic gyro gain without inducing a wobble or oscillation in the model.
creasing volume of mixing. The value selected automatically sets the F/F mixing volume for
PIT ELE. Correct mixing directions are previously determined by the AIL and ELE STK.
Dir menus. When the F/F mixing value is 0, no mixing occurs. Adjust the ELE.Comp until
the model climbs and descends with aggressive collective input without lifting or dropping
its nose. Please avoid excessive amounts of ELE.Comp because it will adversely affect the
model in other aspects of flight such as rolls.
collective pitch inputs. Increasing this parameter’s percentage results more holding power
as collective pitch is input aggressively during aerobatics, but if its value is tuned too high,
wobble or oscillation may occur.