Swash basic map. 2 3 – Futaba CGY750 User Manual
Page 11

Verify that the CGY750 compensates in the correct direction before flight. If the compensation
direction is incorrect the model will roll and/or pitch uncontrollably at lift off.
(11) Swash ring [default: 130%]
This function is used to prevent binding of the swash plate servos when the transmitter control
stick is moved toward a corner (for example, full right and full aft cyclic). Press the Data [+] or [-]
key to adjust the value.
(12) Aileron direction memorizing
This function teaches the direction of aileron swashplate movement to the CGY750. Move the aile-
ron stick to RIGHT full and push the DATA [+] or [-] key. The RIGHT direction of the aileron data will
be saved to CGY750. To confirm the setting, move the aileron stick to full RIGHT, and the “!” mark
will appear on the display. This procedure must be done for the F/F mixing to function correctly.
(13) Elevator direction memorizing
This function teaches the direction of elevator swashplate movement to the CGY750. Move the
elevator stick to full UP and push the DATA [+] or [-] key. The UP direction of the elevator data will
be saved to CGY750. For clarification purposes, UP refers to the direction the ELE stick
would be pulled to raise the nose of an upright model in flight and which would yield an aft swash-
plate deflection. To confirm the setting, move the elevator stick to full UP, and the “!” mark will ap-
pear on the display. This procedure must be done for the F/F mixing to function correctly.
(14) Pitch low memorizing [default: 1940μS]
This parameter saves the minimum collective pitch point into the CGY750. Move the collective
pitch stick to minimum pitch and push DATA [+] or [-] key. The minimum pitch signal will be saved
to the CGY750. The display shows “!” when the stick is at the saved point. The minimum collective
pitch setting must saved into the CGY750 for F/F mixing and/or linkage compensation to function
(8) Swash AFR (rate adjustment) [default: 50% ranges: 0~100%]
The Swash AFR settings are used to adjust the amount of throw allowed for roll (aileron) and pitch
(elevator). The one setting applies to both roll and pitch axes; they are not individually adjusted.
Use the Data [+] or [-] key to make an adjustment.
The [SWS.Rate] is dependent on servo arm length and head geometry, so it will be necessary to
use a pitch gauge to make adjustments. For the cyclic controls it is recommended to start with
at least 9-10 degrees of pitch change in any one direction (e.g. UP or DOWN or LEFT or RIGHT
cyclic input). Adjustments to this value can be made after the first test flight once you observe the
cyclic rates in flight and the overall gyro behavior.
NOTE: When NORMAL swashplate mode is chosen, the SWASH AFR menu is visible but inactive.
Adjust cyclic and collective pitch mechanically to the same suggested ranges via servo arm size
and with transmitter AFR/DR ‘s set at 100%. When measuring the cyclic pitch range, place the AIL
and ELE gyros in NORMAL/Rate mode and set AIL and ELE gyro gains temporarily to 0%.
(9) Pitch AFR (rate adjustment) [default: 50% ranges: 0~100%]
The [PIT.Rate] is the amount of collective pitch travel allowed, and this value will be similar to what
you may have traditionally used with a flybarred helicopter. A good starting range for Sport, 3D
and F3C is +/-10 to +/-12 degrees. Beginners may want to change the negative collective pitch
value to -3 degrees instead of -10. Use the Data [+] or [-] key to make an adjustment. 50% ranges:
(10) Aileron (roll)/ Elevator (Pitch) Gyro direction setting [default: Normal]
This parameter controls which direction the CGY750 (roll / pitch axis) will compensate when the
helicopter rolls (pitches). Pick the helicopter up and roll the helicopter to the right. The CGY750
should compensate by adding left cyclic to the swash plate. (Pick the helicopter up and rotate
the nose of the helicopter downward. The CGY750 should compensate by adding aft cyclic to the
swash plate.) If the CGY750 compensates in the wrong direction, then it will be necessary to re-
verse the Compensation Direction setting by pressing the [+] or [-] data key once.
+/– key
+/– key
+/– key
+/– key