Futaba 9VHP User Manual
Page 15

Move the cursor to the RATE line with the
cursor key. Set the Idle Up
Rate Knobs on the top left of the transmit-
ter to "0".
7) Set the rate for the desired throttle opening
at full LOW position of the T/C stick, using
To refine the shape of the Idle Up curve
below the Idle Up Point, move the cursor
to the CURV position and set the response
curve shape with the
key. Press the
key to return to a stan-
dard linear curve.
the program
the Idle-Up switch is ON.) Initially set the
rate for about 40% carburetor opening on
IDL1 and about 60 to 70% on IDL2 (actual
opening, not the computer display figure).
8) The
rates can be trimmed with the Idle Up
Knobs. The total rate set including the trim
amount is displayed in ( ). A buzzer sounds
when the knob is turned to the center posi-
tion (Trim = 0).
10) The Idle-Up Delay is set by moving the
cursor to the DELY position and setting the
Delay amount with the
key (Only Idle-Up 1 has a Delay feature).
• The curve at Idle-Up can be confirmed by turn-
ing on the IDLE-UP 1 and IDLE-UP 2 Switch.
• Idle-Up rate setting example.
Idle-up 1 rate 50%
Idle-up 2 rate 7t)%
Position 50%
NOTE: Throttle mixing cannot be used in the
BASIC mixing mode.