Futaba 3PK User Manual
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FailSafe: A safety feature that moves a servo to a preset position if the signal is lost or interrupted. Please refer to
(http://www.futabarc.com/faq/product-faq.html#q102) for more information. Additionally, Battery FailSafe is a safety feature
that brings the throttle servo down to idle as a warning that the receiver battery’s voltage is getting dangerously low. ..........17
F.A.Q.: Frequently asked questions. www.futabarc.com/faq/faq-3pk.html
Field Charger: A fast battery charger designed to work from a 12-volt power source, such as a car battery. Usually takes
advantage of peak charging capability.
FM: Frequency Modulation. This describes the type of transmission of radio signal from transmitter to receiver. PPM
(commonly called simply “FM”), PCM1024, and HRS all transmit with the FM type.
Frequency Control. The FCC has allowed the 75mHz band (75.410 - 75.990) to be used for R/C ground model operations,
and the 27mHz band (26.995 - 27.255) for ground and air models. This band is divided up into many different channels on
which you can choose a radio system. You should be aware that certain areas have frequencies in which there is pager and
other interference. This is why it is always a wise move to check with your local hobby shop to find out any channels that
may be troublesome in the area. The FCC has allocated the 50mHz band (50.800 - 50.980) only to Amateur HAM license
holders for R/C use (and only at 1W maximum power output.)
Frequently Asked Questions webpage: www.futabarc.com/faq/faq-3pk.html
FUNC-DIAL: See Function Assignment. ...........................................................................................................................34
FUNC-SW: See Function Assignment. ...............................................................................................................................34
Function: A programming option within the radio, such as exponential, brake mixing, etc.
Function Assignment: assigns functions to the 3 dials, 3 trimmers, and 3 switches on the radio. Note: upper right on home
screen displays assignments to dials 1-3 and trims 1-3. ......................................................................................................34
Futaba Service Center:.........................................................................................................................................................4
FWD-TYP: Adjustment within exponential, defines what expo curve type for forward acceleration. See Exponential. .20
Getting to Know the Transmitter........................................................................................................................................8
Glow Plug: The heat source for igniting the fuel/air mixture in the engine. When starting the engine a battery is used to
heat the filament. After the engine is running, the battery can be removed. The wire filament inside the plug is kept hot by
the “explosions” in the engine’s cylinder.
Help ........................................................................................................................................................................................4
High Response System: See HRS ..................................................................................................................................7, 48
HOLD: In FailSafe, instruction to receiver to maintain the last instruction provided by the transmitter before clean signal
was lost. See FailSafe. ..........................................................................................................................................................17
Home screen display settings: See DISP-SEL...................................................................................................................13
HRS: High Response System. Modulation that provides input to receiver 3 times faster than standard PPM (often called
FM) data transmission. MUST USE only 6.0V battery packs and all digital servos. .....................................................7, 48