Futaba 3PK User Manual

Page 45

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LV3 Only

Electronic Centering Calibration Adjuster


DEFINITION: Calibrates electronic positioning to mechanical movement of

controls. Even if you never have a crash, your R/C vehicle needs occasional
alignments and mechanical adjustments to keep it “in tune” and in trim.
Similarly, all transmitters need regular maintenance to keep everything properly
aligned. But unlike all other transmitters which just have to be driven “as is”
until professionally adjusted/repaired, you can temporarily adjust your 3PK to
keep driving as if it were new, then happily wait until your non-racing season
when you can send it for its regular maintenance.

AVAILABLE FOR: Throttle, steering.

ADJUSTABILITY: Neutral and left/right vs. neutral/brake.

INTERACTION: Adjuster affects the mechanical position the radio thinks is center/neutral, and also the end points.
Correcting any minor slippage/wear in the transmitter with adjuster will temporarily correct the out of trim problems until
the radio can be serviced. All programming functions operate based upon the radio’s neutral and full left/right or
neutral/brake positioning.

DESIRED END RESULT: Correct for minor slippage/wear/drift in the steering and throttle to provide like-new performance.


Need for regular service: Slippage is a sign of wear to the transmitter. Be sure to have your radio serviced
regularly (we recommend annually) to check for/service other wear and tear on the radio and also to ensure
proper transmitter tuning.

Correction range: If the adjustment point shown is not close to the default settings (100%, 0, 100%), the system
will not store the new positions, and an error message of “

FAIL! NOT CHANGED” is displayed. Retry process. If

data can not be stored, the radio is too far out of alignment to use. Send for service promptly (see p. 4).



Complete software adjustment to fix steering
mechanical offset.

Where Next:


Open menu 3 and select adjuster.

Select steering.
Set steering neutral.

Set left and right ranges.

Confirm desired correction.

Close function and menu.


Lightly pull on the steering wheel, pulling it
away from the transmitter. Let go and

Lightly turn wheel full left, let go, turn full
right. Let go and

Back to the track!