Futaba 3PK User Manual

Page 6

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Large graphic liquid-crystal display panel with 7 buttons for quick, easy set up.

128x64 dot large graphic LCD/with adjustable backlighting and graph displays for exponential, etc.

Includes 3 levels of flexibility to simplify programming for new users while still providing the most flexible system in

the world to those who wish to use it.

LV1: (Learning the system; quick setups, a single menu with enough for most models, including):

MDL-NAME 10-character model name

USR-NAME 10-character user name

MOD-MODE FM/PCM/HRS selection to match each model’s receiver

EPA End point adjustment for all servos

SYSTEM Adjust back light, contrast, volume, and items displayed on home screen

LEVEL-SEL Level Selection: Change programming complexity.

MDL-SEL Model Selection: Choose from the 10 models in memory or in optional CAMPac

MDL-RES Model Reset: Erase model memory for this model only

MOD-MODE Modulation: Transmission mode (PPM/PCM/HRS)

FAILSAFE Failsafe and Battery Failsafe: Program receiver's response in case of lost signal.

CH-REV Servo Reversing

EXP Exponential: Set exponential for braking and steering, and pick from 3 curve types for forward throttle,


(“Let’s Race!” Exploring 2 menus, with all of

LV1, plus racer-focused features, including):

ABS Simulates antilock brakes with fully adjustable pulsing effect

SPEED Adjustable throttle/steering servo response on input and release

ACCEL Throttle acceleration minimizes delay in nitro engine/braking response

LAP Record lap times, set training target times, display 99 recorded times

AT-START/ENGINE CUT Avoid wheel spins or shut boat engines off safely

Idle-up Increased throttle setting for easy starts

FUNC Assigns features to any of the 6 dials/trims and 3 switches

Direct selection menu options Customize the Direct Selection Menu

MDL-COPY Copy one model memory into another for experimenting and more


(For the expert driver, boat or complex modeler, adds specialized features, including):

PRG-MIX 1,2 Programmable mixes in a car radio for your own special effects!

BRAKE-MIX Set up independently adjustable front and rear brakes.

BOAT-MODE Includes tilt steering (outboard/rudder mixing), ability to disable brake function

ST-D/R Two steering dual rates

SERVO Displays servo position to ease setup, test mixes prior to installation.

TH-ATL Adjust the brake's total travel

CH-3 Adjust channel 3's midpoint

MC SETUP Setup ESCs with HRS receivers

ADJUSTER Re-calibrate the radio for perfect performance every time

Supports Futaba’s new High Response System (H.R.S. system) receivers, as well as FM and PCM1024.

H.R.S. provides response times approximately 1/3 of that of an equivalent FM system.

CAMPac offers unlimited data storage.

User-defined home screen data display and quick-access Direct Call menu for Level 2 and 3 users.

Full function assignability for dials, digital trims, switches.

Adjustable wheel height and angle for perfect fit, as well as left-handed support.

Display switch allows programming setup without transmission.

Permanent memory storage via EEPROM with no backup battery to service or have fail.