FloAire DDC User Manual
Page 17

Activates if AV: 9, the Discharge Air Temperature, is greater than AV: 7, the cooling setpoint,
plus 5.0 degrees, for 5 minutes. Cooling must be on for this alarm to occur.
BV: 35 FREEZE: Freezestat.
Network Reference: freeze
Modbus Register: 10017
N2 Register: 17
Lonworks ID: nvoFreezeAlm
Activates if AV: 9, the Discharge Air Temperature, is less than 35 Degrees, and BV: 2
indicates that the unit is in the occupied state. Will not activate unless the above conditions
are true for 10:00 minutes of run time.
This Alarm is a shutdown alarm.
BV: 36 HSAT_LO: Low Heating Supply Air Temperature.
Network Reference: hsat_lo
Modbus Register: 10018
N2 Register: 18
Lonworks ID: nvoHeatSATLoAlm
Activates if AV: 9, the Discharge Air Temperature, is less than AV: 4, the Heating Setpoint,
minus 5.0 Degrees. Heating must be on for a minimum of 5:00 minutes for alarm to activate.
Unit must be in this state for 10:00 minutes before alarm will activate.
BV: 37 HT_FAIL: Heating Failure.
Network Reference: ht_fail
Modbus Register: 10019
N2 Register: 19
Lonworks ID: nvoHeatFailAlm
Activates if AV: 9, the Discharge Air Temperature, is less than AV: 2, the Intake Air
Temperature, plus 5.0 Degrees. Heating must be on for alarm to activate. Unit must be in
this state for 3:00 minutes before alarm will activate.
BV: 38 KEY_OUT_LCK: Keypad Output Locked.
Network Reference: key_out_lck
Modbus Register: 10020
N2 Register: 20
Lonworks ID: nvoKeyPadAlm
Activates if any of the keypad overrides are left in the locked on status. This alarm prevents
a service technician from leaving the unit in a locked out state.
BV: 39 OAD_FAIL: Outside Air Damper Failure.
Network Reference: oad_fail
Modbus Register: 10021
N2 Register: 21
Lonworks ID: nvoOadFailAlm
Activates if BV: 6, the Outside Air Damper Command, is Off, however BV: 7, the Outside Air
Damper Status, is On. There is a 90 second feedback delay.
BV: 40 OAD_HAND: Outside Air Damper In Hand.
Network Reference: oad_hand
Modbus Register: 10022
N2 Register: 22
Lonworks ID: nvoOadHandAlm
Activates if BV: 6, the Outside Air Damper Command, is On, however BV: 7, the Outside Air
Damper Status, is Off. There is a 90 second feedback delay.
BV: 41 OAD_RNTM: Outside Air Damper Runtime Expired.