Network alarm variables – FloAire DDC User Manual

Page 16

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BV: 16: Room Override Status. This is the status of the room override space heating function. .

Room Override will be On if the unit is operating in space heating mode.


- Fixed readout. Status only.

- Network Reference: room_override

- Modbus Register: 10008

- N2 Register: 8

- Lonworks ID: nvoRoomOver
- This occurs when BV:17 is set to “On” or “Space” and the space temperature (AV:20)
falls below the space heating setpoint (AV:21 minus AV:22). Used as a space heating

BV: 17: Heating Temperature Control. This can either be set to “OFF” (Discharge heating
temperature control) or “ON” (Space heating temperature control)


- On/Off Switch

- Network Reference: eat_control

- Modbus Register: 7

- N2 Register: 7

- Lonworks ID: nviHeatControl


The DDC controller provides a set of alarms for various status notifications. These alarms are listed
below. The on-site DDC Controls Contractor should link the alarm values accordingly as required to
operate the facility in accordance with specifications.

BV: 31 AF_FAIL: Airflow Failure.


Network Reference: af_fail


Modbus Register: 10013


N2 Register: 13


Lonworks ID: nvoAfFailAlm


Activates if BV: 2, occupancy status, is in occupied mode for longer than 5:00 minutes, and
airflow has not yet been established.

BV: 32 CLG_FLTR: Filter Change Required.


Network Reference: clg_fltr


Modbus Register: 10014


N2 Register: 14


Lonworks ID: nvoFltClgAlm


Activates if BV:13, the Clogged Filter Status, is Off for 10:00 minutes, and BV: 2 indicates
that the unit is in the occupied state.

BV: 33 CLG_RNTM: Cooling Runtime Expired.


Network Reference: clg_rntm


Modbus Register: 10015


N2 Register: 15


Lonworks ID: nvoFltClgRntmAlm


Activates if BV: 9 or BV:11 have been in the On state for 10000 hours.

BV: 34 CSAT_HI: High Cooling Supply Air Temperature.


Network Reference: csat_hi


Modbus Register: 10016


N2 Register: 16


Lonworks ID: nvoCoolSATHiAlm