FloAire DDC User Manual
Page 12

AV: 20: Space (Room) Air Temperature Sensor. This variable provides the room air temperature
sensor reading from the field installed sensor.
- Fixed readout. Non-editable
- BACnet Reference: rat_sensor_visible
- Modbus Register: 40043
- N2 Register: 22
- Lonworks ID: nvoRoomTSensor
- Range of -25.0 to 225.0
- Units of degrees Fahrenheit (can be changed in software)
- Type II 10K Thermistor
AV: 21: Heating Room Temperature Setpoint. This variable is used to activate the space heating
function. This occurs when BV:17 is set to “On” or “Space” and the space temperature (AV:20)
falls below the space heating setpoint (AV:21 minus AV:22). Used as a space heating function.
- Editable, precision to the tenth of a degree.
- BACnet Reference: rt_heat_stpt
- Modbus Register: 40037
- N2 Register: 19
- Lonworks ID: nviRoomTStpt
- Units of degrees Fahrenheit (can be changed in software)
- Range: 50.0 to 90.0
- Default: 70.0
AV: 22: Heating Room Temperature Setpoint Differential. This variable is used to adjust the
space heating setpoint differential to keep space heating supply temp from bouncing.
- Editable, precision to the tenth of a degree.
- BACnet Reference: rt_heat_stpt_diff
- Modbus Register: 40039
- N2 Register: 20
- Lonworks ID: nviRoomTDiff
- Units of degrees Fahrenheit (can be changed in software)
- Range: 1.0 to 10.0
- Default: 2.0