FloAire DDC User Manual
Page 10

AV: 12: Heating Valve Output. This is the output, in percentage, of the PID loop which feeds the
heating valve. A value of 0% is low fire, and a value of 100% is high fire.
- Fixed readout. Non-editable. This value is determined by comparison of
AV: 4 to AV: 9 using the PID loop
- BACnet Reference: htg_vlv_out
- Modbus Register: 40023
- N2 Register: 12
- Lonworks ID: nvoHeatVlvOut
- Units of percentage
- Range: 0.0 to 100.0%
AV: 13: VFD Speed Input. This is the network input, in volts (V), of which will be used by the
controller to send out a 0 to 10 V signal to an internal VFD. For externally network controlled
VFDs, this AV is not to be used.
- Editable, precision to the tenth decimal place
- BACnet Reference: vfd_spd_in
- Modbus Register: 40041
- N2 Register: 21
- Lonworks ID: nviVFDSpdInput
- Units of Volts
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0
AV: 14: VFD Speed Output. This is the output, in volts (V), which is being sent to the VFD by the
controller. This is for internally controlled VFDs only. This AV is simply a confirmation of
receiving the input from AV:13.
- Fixed readout. Non-editable.
- BACnet Reference: vfd_spd_out
- Modbus Register: 40043
- N2 Register: 22
- Lonworks ID: nvoVFDSpdOut
- Units of Volts
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0
AV: 15: Modulating Damper Input. This is the network input, in volts (V), of which will be used by
the controller to send out a 0.0 to 10.0 V signal to the modulating damper.
- Editable, precision to the tenth decimal place
- BACnet Reference: mod_dmp_in
- Modbus Register: 40029
- N2 Register: 15
- Lonworks ID: nviModDmpInput
- Units of Volts
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0