FloAire DDC User Manual
Page 14

BV: 6: Outside Air Damper Command. This is the command to control the on/off state of the
outside air damper. Used to confirm if the unit is calling for outside air damper to be open.
- Fixed readout. Status only.
- Network Reference: oad_cmd
- Modbus Register: 10006
- N2 Register: 6
- Lonworks ID: nvoDampCmd
BV: 7: Outside Air Damper Status. This is the status of the Outside Air Damper. This will only
show an On State when the damper end limit switch has been activated.
- Fixed readout. Status only.
- Network Reference: oad_sts
- Modbus Register: 10007
- N2 Register: 7
- Lonworks ID: nvoDampStatus
BV: 8: 1
Stage Cooling On. This is the request for stage 1 cooling directly from the network.
This command can be activated whenever stage 1 cooling should be run. Cooling must be
allowed by external logic, and other safeties must be satisfied before the compressor will activate.
- On/Off Switch.
- Network Reference: s1_clg_on
- Modbus Register: 1
- N2 Register: 1
- Lonworks ID: nviCoolOneOn
- Requires BV:4 to be On
- Requires Heating to be off
- Requires AV: 2 to be > AV:6 and AV:18 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Does not override minimum on/off cycle time logic
BV: 9: 1st Stage Cooling Command. This is the command used to activate the stage 1 cooling
output from the controller.
- Fixed readout. Status only.
- Network Reference: s1_clg_cmd
- Modbus Register: 10029
- N2 Register: 29
- Lonworks ID: nvoCoolOneCmd
- Activates from either BV: 8 or when the call for cooling logic is satisfied using AV: 2 and
AV: 7
BV: 10: 2nd Stage Cooling On. This is the request for stage 2 cooling directly from the network.
This command can be activated whenever stage 2 cooling should be run. Cooling must be
allowed by external logic, and other safeties must be satisfied before the compressor will activate.
- On/Off Switch.
- Network Reference: s2_clg_on
- Modbus Register: 2
- N2 Register: 2
- Lonworks ID: nviCoolTwoOn
- Requires BV: 9 to be activated for a period of time longer than AV: 11
- Does not override minimum on/off cycle time logic