Taring and zeroing commands – sz, za, rz, st, rt, Sz set system zero, Za set averaged system zero – Flintec LDU 78.1 User Manual
Page 21: Rz reset zero, St set tare, Rt reset tare

LDU 78.1 Technical Manual, Rev. 12 May 2011
Page 21 of 36
8.5. Taring and Zeroing Commands – SZ, ZA, RZ, ST, RT
The following commands allow you to set and reset the zero and tare values. The zero set up during calibration
remains the ‘true zero’ but the new ‘current zero’ can be set up by using the SZ command. If the SZ command
is issued and accepted then all weight values will then be based on the new ‘current zero’. Please remember
that the zero value will be subject to the Zero tracking function if enabled. If the weight signal is not stable (as
defined by the No motion range NR and the No motion time NT) then both the set zero SZ and set tare ST
commands will be disabled. Also the Set Zero SZ command is not allowed if the new zero value required and
the ‘calibration zero’ differ by more than 2 % of the CM value (maximum allowable value).
See chapter 9 Used in “Approved” applications.
8.5.1. SZ
Set System Zero
This command sets a new “current zero” which is then the basis of all weight values until further updated by the
zero tracking function, another SZ command or the “reset zero” command RZ.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU XX.X) responds
Set zero performed
The SZ command will fail (LDU responds with ERR) if the new “current zero” is more than 2% (of the CM value)
higher or lower than the “true zero” set during calibration. The SZ command will also fail if the weight signal is
not stable as defined by the No motion range (NR) and the No motion time (NT). If the weight signal is “stable”,
the response to the IS command (Device Status) will show the “signal stable” bit active and the SZ command
will be accepted (OK). If the “signal stable” bit is not active, the SZ command will be rejected and the LDU will
respond with ERR (error).
8.5.2. ZA
Set Averaged System Zero
This command will set the system zero as SZ, but using an average over the TI time period (for command TI
see Re-Trigger commands in chapter 8.13).
8.5.3. RZ Reset
This command cancels the SZ command and the zero reading reverts to that set by the CZ command during
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU XX.X) responds
Zero point CZ active
The LDU responds to the RZ command with either OK or ERR. If OK is returned then the “zero action
performed” bit in the Device Status (IS) response will be set to “0”.
8.5.4. ST Set
This command will activate the net weighing function by storing the current weight value as a tare.
The weight signal must be “stable” within the limits set by NR (No Motion Range) and NT (No Motion Time)
commands for the “signal stable” bit to be active and set tare command to be accepted.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU XX.X) responds
Tare performed / Net operation
If the weight signal is “stable”, the response to the IS command (Device Status) will show the “signal stable” bit
active and the ST command will be accepted (OK). If the “signal stable” bit is not active, the ST command will
be rejected and the LDU will respond with ERR (error).
8.5.5. RT Reset
This command resets the tare and the weighing signal returns to gross mode.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU XX.X) responds
Tare de-activated / Gross operation
The LDU responds to the RT command with either OK or ERR. If OK is returned then the “tare active” bit in the
Device Status (IS) response will be set to “0”.