Ecler AmicLab User Manual
Page 18
Crossover parameters group contains FILTER TYPE, EDGE LINK and FREQUENCY parameters
for each of the two crossover filters (low-pass and high-pass). These filters split the frequency spectrum
in different parts matching each speaker.
FILTER TYPE selects the crossover filter type. Following filter types are available:
Butterworth 6, 12, 18 or 24dB/oct
Bessel 12, 18 or 24dB/oct
Linkwitz-Riley 12 or 24dB/oct
EDGE LINK links cut-off frequencies of a filter and of its opposite (high-pass low-pass,
low-pass high-pass) in other channels, to edit only one parameter but simultaneously control
two. For example, if you activate EDGE LINK between AMPCH1 crossover low-pass and
AMPCH2, editing AMPCH1 low-pass filter frequency value will simultaneously change AMPCH2
high-pass filter frequency value.
FREQUENCY is made of a potentiometer and a linked numerical value to set the filter cut-off
frequency within 20Hz – 20 kHz range.
5.10.3. REMOTE
REMOTE section assigns available external remote volume
controls to .amic processing channels.
CONTROL parameter displays a list of available volume controls
for the channel:
None means no remote volume control will affect the channel
A and B allow to select which of the two external controls will edit
the channel volume.
This section level meter displays the processing channel current value (when .amiclab is
connected with the hardware).