Christie Digital Systems P35GPS-MT User Manual
Page 25

P 3 5 G P S D u a l L e n s T u r r e t P r o j e c t o r
March, 2004
10. Place film at upper part of Ultramittent in film guide (R).
11. Align film on steel bands of trap and gate assembly (T).
12. Close gate (C) and lock catch knob (D) in place.
13. Form 1.5-inch loop between upper constant-speed sprocket and gate (C), as shown in
Figure 4-1.
14. Align the film on upper constant-speed sprocket (A) and close film shoe (B).
15. To verify that film is correctly aligned on all sprocket rollers, move turndown knob (N)
• Framing lamp can be turned “on” or “off” with black rocker switch
located on top of projector.
• Framing lamp is functional with picture changeover in either
• If film reel is used, be sure take-up tension is in accordance with reel
manufacturer’s instructions.