On-board user i/o – Digilent Minicon User Manual

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Digilent, Inc.

Minicon Reference Manual

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On-Board User I/O

The Minicon provides four on-board LEDs
for user output, and four jumper blocks for
user input.

The LEDs are connected to I/O Port D, bits
4-7 (PD4-PD7). These pins are shared with
the four I/O signals of Pmod connector JA.
An LED is turned on by writing the pin to
logic 1 and turned off by writing the pin to
logic 0.

In addition to the four LEDs, there are four
jumper blocks, JP5-JP8, for user input.
These are useful for providing mode select
inputs to firmware running on the

Jumper blocks JP5 and JP6 are connected
to I/O Port B, pins 6 and 7 (PB6 and PB7).
When the shorting block is installed the pin
will read as logic 0; when the shorting block
is removed the pin will read as logic 1.

Jumper blocks JP7 and JP8 are connected
through a voltage divider to analog input
ADC6. If no shorting block is installed on
either jumper, a voltage close to 0 will be
read on the analog input. With a shorting
block on JP7, a voltage close to 1.1 volts
will be read, and with a shorting block on
JP8, a voltage close to 2.2 volts will be
read. If shorting blocks are installed on
both JP7 and JP8, the voltage read will be
about 2.2 volts.