Digilent Cerebot Plus Board User Manual
Page 13

Digilent Cerebot Plus Reference Manual
Digilent, Inc.
page 13 of 13
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Servo power bus
Connect the RC hobby servo power bus to the unregulated supply bus VU. When a
connector block is in place on this jumper, servo power is supplied from VU on the Cerebot
Plus. If the jumper block is removed, the RC hobby servo power bus must be supplied with
a source connected to the screw terminal block J14.
Off-board regulated power supply selection
To connect external regulated power on a Rev E version board, a single wire jumper may be
connected to the positive pin of J5 (the battery connecter) and the VCC pin of any of the
JPA-JPH 6-pin header power selection jumpers. Alternatively, any of the JPA through JPH
VCC pins can be connected to the positive screw terminal J5. Additionally, off-board
regulated power can be brought onto the board via any of the Pmod header connectors.
VU voltage sense circuit enable
When JP3 is installed the VU voltage monitor circuit is connected to ADC0. See page 3 of
this reference manual for a description of the voltage monitor circuit.
VS voltage sense circuit enable
When JP4 is installed the VU voltage monitor circuit is connected to ADC1. See page 3 of
this reference manual for a description of the voltage monitor circuit.
User Input Jumper
The setting of this jumper can be read from Port G, Pin 4.
USB Cable Power
This jumper is used to enable powering the board from a Digilent USB cable that supports
powering attached boards. Insert a shorting block to enable powering the board from USB
cable power. Remove the shorting block to disable this option
Pmod headers
Any of the eleven Pmod headers as well as the SPI header can be connected to use either
regulated or unregulated power. To use regulated power place the jumper block over the
center pin and the pin marked VCC. To use unregulated power place the jumper block over
the center pin and the pin marked VU.
Table 1: Jumper Blocks