Additional resources – Digilent Embedded Linux User Manual
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Using Zynq with Linux
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Additional Resources
Consult the following documents for additional information on designing embedded Linux systems for
Digilent system boards.
Getting Started with Embedded Linux
– ZedBoard
This document describes how to obtain the Linux Hardware Design and use it with the Digilent
Linux repository to build and run a fully functional Linux system on the ZedBoard. You can
obtain this document from the ZedBoard product page on the Digilent website.
Embedded Linux Hands-on Tutorial
– ZedBoard
This document walks the reader through the process of modifying the ZedBoard Linux
Hardware Design to include additional hardware, making this hardware accessible to Linux by
modifying the device tree, and finally designing a custom driver that brings the hardware’s
functionality up to the Linux user. It can be obtained from the ZedBoard product page on the
Digilent website.
ZedBoard Linux Hardware Design Project Guide
This document describes the ZedBoard Linux Hardware Design, and walks the reader through
the process of building all the sources required to generate the BOOT.BIN file. It is packaged
along with the ZedBoard Linux Hardware Design, which can be obtained from the ZedBoard
product page.
Developer’s Wiki
This web page contains an up to date list of hardware that is supported by the Digilent Linux
repository and an FAQ section that addresses some issues you may run into while using the
current version of the kernel. It also contains information on submitting patches for those who
are interested in contributing code. You can find the Linux Developer’s Wiki at: