Digilent Embedded Linux User Manual
Page 13

Using Zynq with Linux
page 13 of 23
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Configure U-Boot through a series of macros defined by the board header files. Example 15 shows
the main part we abstracted from the ZedBoard configuration header file for the ZedBoard.
Example 15.
In the environment settings for Example 15, ethaddr defines the initial MAC address of your board
and CONFIG_IPADDR defines the IP address of your board when U-Boot is running. The environment
variable sdboot defines SD card booting procedure as follows: Echo Copying Linux from SD to
RAM…; Display Multi-Media Card (MMC) information by calling function mmcinfo; load zImage from
SD Card to Memory at 0x8000; Loading devicetree.dtb to memory at 0x01000000; loading ram
disk image ramdisk8M.image.gz to memory at 0x800000; and start from 0x8000 to run The Linux
Kernel. You can change the booting sequence by changing the environment variables here.
"kernel_size=0x140000\0" \
"ramdisk_size=0x200000\0" \
"qspiboot=sf probe 0 0 0;" \
"sf read 0x8000 0x100000 0x2c0000;" \
"sf read 0x1000000 0x3c0000 0x40000;" \
"sf read 0x800000 0x400000 0x800000;" \
"go 0x8000\0" \
"sdboot_linaro=echo Copying Linux from SD to RAM...;" \
"mmcinfo;" \
"fatload mmc 0 0x8000 zImage;" \
"fatload mmc 0 0x1000000 devicetree_linaro.dtb;" \
"go 0x8000\0" \
"sdboot=echo Copying Linux from SD to RAM...;" \
"mmcinfo;" \
"fatload mmc 0 0x8000 zImage;" \
"fatload mmc 0 0x1000000 devicetree.dtb;" \
"fatload mmc 0 0x800000 ramdisk8M.image.gz;" \
"go 0x8000\0" \
"jtagboot=echo TFTPing Linux to RAM...;" \
"tftp 0x8000 zImage;" \
"tftp 0x1000000 devicetree.dtb;" \
"tftp 0x800000 ramdisk8M.image.gz;" \
"go 0x8000\0"