D.A.S. Audio Aero 48 User Manual
Page 17

Both PL-48S_1 pieces must now be
attached (5) to the box on the bottom by means of two
safety pins on each side.
After having rolled a PL-48S platform under
the array, the PL-48S_1 pieces (1,2 and 3) must be
detached from the platform and introduced (4) in the
front rigging structure of the lower box.
Now the entire cluster can be lowered so
the PL-48S_1 pieces get into reach of the platform.
The next step is to fix the PL-48S_2 pieces to
the rear rigging hardware of the box. In order to do so,
the platform should be raised up till the bottom hole in
the rigging hardware and the hole in the PL-48S_2
match together. Then the safety pins can be inserted
in the holes. As has been said before, the splay angle
between the platform and the box is given by the hole
used in the PL-48S_2 piece.
The hole chosen in this example, is the one
on the bottom of the PL-48S piece, being 0º the angle.
Manual del usuario/ User´s manual
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