Carl Goldberg GBGA1090 User Manual
Page 15

The Waterfall
This maneuver has your plane flipping around
the axis of the wing, while dropping. Starting
from a high altitude, go to low throttle and grad-
ually pull the nose up to near vertical. Just
when the plane is about the stall, give it full
down elevator and full power. Make attitude
corrections with the rudder and ailerons to keep
the plane flipping on axis. Cut the throttle and
hold full down elevator as the plane flips around
to nose high again, add power to flip it over
again. Watch your altitude as to not get too
close to the ground. Neutralize the elevator
and add power to recover.
The Blender
This is a violent maneuver that starts with a
vertical rolling dive that stops the descent as it
changes into a flat spin. Start at a good high
altitude, go to low throttle and push the nose
down into a straight dive. Feed in full left
aileron and complete 3 rolls, then immediately
move your transmitter sticks to an inverted
snap position, down elevator, left aileron, right
rudder, all full throw. Now feed in high throttle
to flatten the spin and stop the altitude loss.
Recover by neutralizing the rudder and
ailerons, and holding a little down elevator.
After you gain some airspeed you can roll out
to upright. Use caution as this is a violent and
high G maneuver that will put a great deal of
stress on the Plane