21 flying your gentle lady, Remember – Carl Goldberg GPMA0960 Gentle Lady User Manual

Page 21

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IMPORTANT: Always check to be sure no one else is using the same frequency as you, before operating your radio.

Make hand launched test flights before first high-start or powered flight.

With transmitter and receiver switched on, hand launch the
model directly into the wind. Gently correct the flight path
as necessary. Make any adjustments indicated in the
rudder or elevator by means of the clevises.

In flight control, most of the beginner’s trouble comes from over-
controlling or holding a signal too long. It is better to operate
your transmitter slowly and smoothly.

A troublesome tendency is letting the model get downwind.
New flyers should try to keep the model upwind at all times
prior to the landing approach. It is more difficult to fly a
model when it is downwind, and if a mistake is made, the model
will end up farther downwind, making it impossible to fly it back
to the field.

If you are a novice, seek the help of an experienced flyer.
If nothing else, ask one of the better flyers at the field for
help. Usually, they are glad to spend a little time to get
somebody started right, and they very likely were helped in
the same manner themselves.

Here are some additional tips from Dave Brown, a multiple
R/C Pattern National Champion, which have helped many
fliers get started. They are reprinted by permission of R/C
Modeler Magazine
and are excerpted from Dave’s
article, “Learning How to Fly”, which appeared in the RCM
October 1979 issue.

from “Learning How To Fly”

by Dave Brown

Although Dave strongly recommends learning to fly with
the help of an instructor, he feels that if you must teach
yourself, a powered glider is the best type of plane to learn

Set the airplane up with a very minimal amount of
control surface throw, particularly on elevator. Now,
before you fly it, spend a considerable amount of time
“hanger flying”it simply by pointing it at many different
angles (including coming straight at you) and working
the controls, imagining that it is flying and you are trying
to steer it around the sky. If possible, it’s better if you
can mount the airplane up on a camera tripod while
doing this to get the perspective of the airplane being
above you as well as it climbing, diving, or banking. I

realize you may feel ridiculous while doing this and it

probably should be done out of sight of other sane
people to retain your stature in the community, but
believe me, it is important and it works. I still use this
system when trying to straighten out a particular
problem or maneuver. must get the airplane trimmed out by test
gliding it over some tall grass. Only when you can
consistently throw the airplane at the right speed to
make it glide smoothly to the landing without dropping
like a brick or stalling and dropping in, are you ready to
continue. During all these test glides it is best to have
the radio turned on, but leave the transmitter on the
ground, using it only in emergency to get the model out
of a thermal! Don’t laugh, I’ve seen this happen. After
you can consistently throw in this manner, try it holding
the transmitter in the other hand and try steering it just a
little. Don’t make any sharp turns, but rather try to
make it do very shallow S-turns, never exceeding about
10 to 15 degrees from that straight line. Don’t touch the
elevator control yet and don’t move the rudder stick any
more than about half its travel.

Reprints of Dave’s complete article may be obtained by
calling Carl Goldberg Products. Dave closes with his “ten
commandments” for the self-taught R/C pilot. We think
most of them make sense and should be heeded everyone!

1) Thou shalt get help if at all possible.
2) Thou shalt fly only a trainer type airplane,

preferable a motorglider

3) Thou shalt fly only when it is calm.
4) Thou shalt fly only in a very large open area with its

owner’s permission.

5) Thou shalt not fly to impress friends.
6) Thou shalt proceed slowly and with caution.
7) Thou shalt not panic; let the airplane fly itself out of


8) Thou shalt steer the model carefully and delicately,

using only rudder at first.

9) Thou shalt check thy equipment frequently and

change batteries faithfully.

10) Thou shalt be patient, lest thee bust thy toy!


Great help can be found in
all phases of building and flying by reading R/C Modeler
Magazine’s “Flight Training Course, Vol. 1.” There also are a
number of videos (“Old Buzzard Goes Flying!” deals specifi-
cally with sailplanes) and flight simulation programs avail-
abel to help you. Happy Flying!