Radio check balancing – Carl Goldberg GPMA0960 Gentle Lady User Manual

Page 20

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With both servos in position, and approximately

1/16” between them, mark through the grommets
for the location of the servo mounting screws.

Remove the servos. With a 1/16” drill bit, drill

through the rails for the screws.


Determine which is the elevator and which is the

rudder servo. Locate the rudder servo on the left,
and the elevator servo on the right, as shown in the

Fasten gently with #2 x 3/8” sheet metal screws.

Untape the pushrod wires from the fuselage sides

and hook them up to the servos as shown.

Next, protect the battery pack. Remember, you must have
fresh dry cells or fully charged nicads for flying.

Wrap your battery pack in polyethylene foam or

foam rubber to cushion it against shock. If you are
going to use an engine with your model, foam
rubber is preferable because it is much better at
protecting against vibration. Use scotch or
masking tape to hold the ends of the foam in place.


Because the battery pack is the heaviest piece, it

should be mounted as far forward as possible.

Installing the Receiver


Do not cut the antenna wire attached to the



Wrap the receiver carefully in foam, as was done
for the battery pack. Then place the receiver
just to the rear of the battery pack.


Lead the antenna back just under the hatch rest.

Drill a small hole in former #2, and lead the

antenna further back, just under the 1/8”

sq. balsa wing rest rails.



Just ahead of former #3, drill a small hole in the

fuselage side for the antenna to exit.

Lead the antenna to the top of the fin and scotch

tape in place.

Installing the Switch and Charging Jack


Mark fuselage side for switch location.

Cut hole through fuselage side, and make it long

enough for switch button to move to On an Off


Determine On and Off positions of switch. Mount

switch with On positon forward.

Install switch screws.


On the outside of fuselage, identify On and Off

positions with decals provided.


Mount the charging jack for the battery in the fuselage

side by the same method.

Cable Storage


Gather all excess cables together behind receiver,

and hold down with foam.

Set Control Surfaces


With elevator trim tab on transmitter set in the

center position, adjust elevator mini-snap until top
of elevator is flat with top of stab.


With rudder trim tab on transmitter set in center

position, adjust rudder mini-snap until rudder points
dead straight ahead.

With everything installed, mount the wing and carefully
check the Center of Gravity (CG). One way is to perch the
model on the thumb and forefinger of your left hand (if
you’re right handed), while steadying the model with the
other. A much better way is to use a balancing set-up,
which can be made with a couple of 1/4” dowels with
rounded tops, spaced just enough apart to clear the fuse.
Mark the desired CG on the underside of the wing, and
then set the model on the dowels at that location. Add
weight if necessary for balance. The least weight is
needed when added as far forward or back as possible.

DO NOT attempt to fly the model with the CG EVEN
SLIGHTLY BEHIND the rearmost recommended

Before going to the field to fly, with batteries fully
charged, turn on receiver and transmitter and actuate all
controls many times until you are satisfied with all
Prior to the beginning of each day’s flying, make a
range check of your equipment in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions in general, with antenna

collapsed, you should have at least 100 feet range on the
ground. To check this, set the model facing away from
you, turn on both the trasmitter and receiver switches, and
walk away while transmitting signals. Watch to see that no
signals are missed until you are at least 100 feet away. Do
not attempt any flights unless the equipment works perfectly.
Be careful not to use your transmitter when someone
else on the field is flying or testing on the same frequency.



Model Balance Stand
Make from 1/4” dowels
6” long and 1/4” ply or
hard balsa base