Carl Goldberg GBGA1069 User Manual
Page 13

Mount the servos as shown above.
Note: To make mounting the rear servo easier, drill a
small hole in the wing mounting block.
Collect the following items:
(2) 34” stranded cable
(4) 1/16 threaded couplers
(4) Snap-links
(2) 1/8 x 24” nylon tubing
Now, making sure the cable is all the way
into another threaded coupler, solder it to the
cut end. The total length of the finished cable
should be 24”.
Repeat the above steps to make a second
cable to the same length.
Wash the soldered coupler/cable assembly
with soap and water.
Install the cables by using the guide tubing
and threading them through the fuselage, as
was done with the elevator pushrod.
Connect two snap links to the center servo,
as shown, and the other two snap links to
the rudder control horn.
When the cables are connected test the
tightness by moving the rudder by hand. The
rudder should have very little movement
without moving the servo.
Using flux and silver solder, solder a thread-
ed coupler onto the end of the cable.
From the coupler end, and including the cou-
pler itself, measure 23 inches and mark the
cable. Then cut it with a wire cutter.
Place a snap link on each end of each cable.