Troubleshooting, Release error messages – Kofax Ascent Captur User Manual

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Ascent Capture for IBM ImagePlus/400 WAF Release Notes

Kofax, Inc.



During the Ascent Capture Release process, errors may occur due to configuration problems,

security authorization problems, or other operational problems.

Release Error Messages

Error messages are listed in the Ascent Capture Release module Event Log area, as well as written

to the Release error log file on the Release workstation. The Release error log file is named

Err_yymm.txt, where yy is the last two digits of the year and mm is a two-digit number

representing the month in which the information is logged.

The format of these messages is as follows:

Error in document #N, TTT


Message: BBB TTT….

Where N is the document number in the batch, TTT... is the message text, and BBB is the type of

message (for example “WARNING”). The type of message (BBB) may be blank.

Message IDs, a description of the message, an explanation, and possible diagnostic or corrective

actions are listed in Table 2. Errors that do not appear below are considered internal errors and

should be reported to IBM System Support.

Table 2. Release Error Messages

Message ID Description


Possible Diagnostic or
Corrective Action


Cannot copy file to this path:

Release cannot copy the
scanned document to the IBM
system. PPP… is the
destination where Release
tried to copy the document.

Map the appropriate drive
letter and/or file system to
the IBM system.


This file is not RIDIC

The scanned or imported
document is not RIDIC
compliant, which is required
for conversion to MO:DCA.

Make the image RIDIC
compliant and re-enter into
Ascent Capture.


Server job not started in time

The server job was not able to
start in the allowed time.

Check the IBM server for any
error logs pertaining to the
Ascent server job. If the
network is slow, try
increasing the “Start
Allowance” time in Release


An unexpected error
occurred with a WAF API.

While calling an IBM API, the
program received a bad
return code and could not
continue processing.

Look up the return code and
reason code from the
EKD0080 error log in the IBM
Messages and Codes manual
for more information.