Configure or validate profiles, Note on default entry in job queue name, Release workstation setup tasks – Kofax Ascent Captur User Manual

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Ascent Capture for IBM ImagePlus/400 WAF Release Notes


Kofax, Inc.

Configure or Validate Profiles

Users releasing documents to the IBM system must have:


A valid user ID and password


Appropriate authorities to write objects to the libraries


A valid user profile


A valid language profile

In addition, you should ensure that any document types, file cabinet codes, or file cabinet keys

that you specify in Ascent Capture are properly defined on the IBM system. For example, if an

Ascent Capture index field will be mapped as a WAF File Cabinet Code, the File Cabinet must

already be defined on the IBM system. Similarly, if an Ascent Capture index field is mapped as a

WAF Document Type, the Document Type must be defined on the IBM system.

Validations against the mappings are performed during Ascent Capture release and by the

Automatic Index Processor after Ascent Capture has released documents to the IBM system.

Refer to Releasing Documents on page 17 for more details.

Note on Default Entry in Job Queue Name

The default entry in the Job Queue Name field in the Configuration tab may cause a “Server Job

not started in time allowed” error message.

The Ascent Capture for IBM release script default value for the Job Queue Name field is *JOBD,

which tells the IBM system to use the default subsystem assigned to that user's profile.

Unfortunately, the typical default is QBATCH, which may cause release to fail with a “Server Job

not started in time allowed.” error message.

Two Job Queues work by default.

The QINTER (QINTER subsystem) and the QPWFSERVER (QSERVER subsystem) job queues

work in conjunction by default. One of these two values can be entered in the Job Queue Name

field for release to work properly.

To get *JOBD and QBATCH entries to work properly, the IBM administrator can change the

QBATCH profile's Number of Jobs value to *NOMAX.

Release Workstation Setup Tasks

After installing and configuring the host code library on the IBM system, the Release workstation

must be configured as described in this section.

Ascent Capture

This section outlines the procedures to follow before installing the Ascent Capture for IBM release


Un-install Previous Versions

Existing Ascent Capture for IBM release script must be un-installed before the current version is

installed. To do this, go to the Control Panel and click on the Add/Remove Programs utility from

the Windows Control Panel. Once the Add/Remove Programs window is displayed, select the