Known problems, Mo:dca documents are blank, Color and grayscale mo:dca documents – Kofax Ascent Captur User Manual

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Ascent Capture for IBM ImagePlus/400 WAF Release Notes


Kofax, Inc.

Known Problems

This section contains information about known problems with the Ascent Capture for IBM release


MO:DCA Documents are Blank

The Enable Width Alignment check box must be checked before scanning MO:DCA documents.

Leaving the “Enable Width Alignment” and the “Pad Width to Byte Boundary” check boxes

unchecked will cause all scanned images to be blank when viewed. The “Enable Width

Alignment” and the “Pad Width to Byte Boundary” check boxes are found by clicking on the

Advanced Source Properties button in the Kofax Source Manager. The Kofax Source Manager

window is displayed by clicking on the KSM icon in the Control Panel.

Color and Grayscale MO:DCA Documents

Color and Grayscale images are not supported when using the MO:DCA image format. Ensure

that the Store as MO:DCA check box on the Storage Properties tab is unchecked when scanning

color and grayscale documents.