Releasing documents, Ascent capture release workstation – Kofax Ascent Captur User Manual
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Ascent Capture for IBM ImagePlus/400 WAF Release Notes
Kofax, Inc.
Response Allowance
This field is used to define the number of seconds to allow the IBM server to respond to receiving
data from the Release workstation before timing out. The value can be increased to allow for more
wait time on heavily loaded networks or slower networks. Increasing the value may decrease
overall release performance. Valid entries are from 5 through 60.
Releasing Documents
With the Ascent Capture for IBM release script, the Ascent Capture Release module will process
batches based on the settings of the associated batch classes. The Release module is responsible for
releasing documents as well as index data using the attributes defined during release setup.
The Ascent Capture Release module usually runs as an unattended module on a Windows
workstation, periodically polling the Release module for the available batches. The Release
module may be configured to run during off-hours to avoid impact to the throughput of Ascent
Capture and /or the network system.
Ascent Capture Release Workstation
X To initiate a transfer of documents
Ensure that the appropriate network drive is mapped to the Ascent Capture for IBM
release script.
Start the Ascent Capture Release module by double clicking on the Release icon. The
module’s main screen will display. Any batches waiting to be released will be processed.
Figure 6. Ascent Capture - Release Module
After all eligible documents are released, the Ascent Capture — Release module will
continue to run and monitor for new batches that are ready to release. The module can be