Kofax Ascent Captur User Manual

Page 12

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Ascent Capture for IBM ImagePlus/400 WAF Release Notes


Kofax, Inc.

Create an IBM iSeries NetServer File Share (Client iSeries Access for Windows V5R2 and


Visit the IBM technical document on the IBM Web site for instructions (http://www-


Map a Network Drive

After creating a Client Access connection, use Windows Explorer to map a network drive to the

IBM system on the Release workstation by performing the following steps:


Start Windows Explorer and select Tools, Map Network Drive… from the menu bar


Select an available drive letter from the dropdown list.
The drive letter you select must match the drive letter defined as the DASD (Direct Access

Storage Drive) System ID in your IBM installation. Or else it can be mapped to match the

DASD System ID from the “General Settings” tab on the Ascent Capture — ImagePlus

WAF/400 Release Setup dialog box (see General Settings Tab on page 17 for more details).


To check your DASD System ID, go to panel EKD000 (the main menu) on your IBM

system and select option “3 — Administrative Processing”. From there, select option “5 —

Update Profiles” and then option “13 — DASD System ID”.


Specify the path to your IBM object directories or select the path from the “Path”

dropdown box. For example, your path may be:


Where AS400NAME is the name of the IBM connection you configured in Client Access,

as described on page 8.
The drive path must be assigned to the file system specified in the IBM system

configuration. This may be “QDLS” (for example: \\AS400NAME\QDLS), “Root” (for

example: \\AS400NAME), or others depending on your system configuration.


To check the file system used for your IBM object directories, go to panel EKD000

(the main menu) on your IBM system and select option “3 — Administrative Processing”.

From there, select option “5 — Update Profiles” and then option “14 — Object directory”.


Check the “Reconnect at logon” check box so the connection will automatically be made

each time you start the workstation.


You may need to add a drive icon for this drive to your Windows Startup Folder so

that the drive is mapped automatically every time Windows is started.

Refer to the documentation that came with your IBM product for more information.