Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual

Page 21

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R2M User's Guide V1.11

Page 21

Typical applications

Generating a quantized pitch control via Midi and CV/Gate

For this example the continuos position control voltage coming from the manual is
quantized and only certain notes are generated via Midi and CV/Gate. The Midi
output generates only note on/off messages. Additional pitch bend data are not
generated as these are not required in the quantized mode.

The first step is to define the number of octaves (1...5) that corresponds to the
complete manual length. For this the parameter 4-2 Number Octave is used.

Fig. 6

Fig. 6 shows the results for the values 1...5 of the parameter Number Octave.

The next step is to define the type of quantization. For this the parameters 4-1
and 3-2 Note are used. The parameter 4-1 Quantization defines the
quantization table One can select between semitones, major or minor scale, tones of
major and minor chord and some more. The parameter 3-2 Note is used to adjust
the key for the quantization. This parameter is the Midi note number that corresponds
to the leftmost position of the manual.

1 octave

2 octaves

3 octaves

4 octaves

5 octaves