Doepfer Regelwerk (device no longer available) User Manual

1 foreword

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Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH

User manual V1.0



You will have received your


with software version 1.xx (where xx is the
current revision number of the version 1
software). This software has been checked
by Doepfer and by our beta-testers, and is
believed to be practically bug-free.

But in any new software of such complexity,

we know that it‘s possible that hidden bugs
may still exist. If you find one, we would be
grateful if you could let us know the exact
details. We will try to remove the bug as
quickly as possible.

To update your device at the current state

you then had to contact your local dealer.

This offer only applies to software faults. It

doesn‘t apply to updates which improve upon
the facilities in your current software, as
detailed in this manual.

Actual upgrades of the software will regularly

be available to buy.

To update the software, it‘s necessary to

open up the


to change the

EPROM. Users carry this out at their own
risk: problems caused by incorrect insertion
of an EPROM are not covered under
guarantee. Please read the instructions in
chapter 3 carefully.

Throughout this manual, reference is made to

various products which have registered
trademarks, without necessarily indicating
they are registered. The absence of the
mark shouldn‘t be taken to imply that the
product name can be freely used by anyone.
Nor should it imply any right to use material
that is legally protected by a registered trade
name or mark, or protected by patent.

Please also take note that DOEPFER

Musikelektronik GmbH offers no warranty
and accepts no legal responsibility for
damage caused by or consequential on the
use of this equipment, its hardware or its
software, or this manual. We categorically
deny responsibility. We also reserve the
right to alter software and/or the contents of
this manual without notice.

Copyright 1998/2000

DOEPFER Musikelektronik GmbH

All rights reserved. No part of this manual

can be reproduced, duplicated or modified in
any form, including electronic means, without
the express written permission of DOEPFER
Musikelektronik GmbH.

DOEPFER Musikelektronik GmbH


D-82166 Gräfelfing


Tel.: 089/89809510



Preliminary English language edition, May
1) first edition 13.10.00

During 1998, we will be expanding our internet
software information and update service on the
web site we started in 1997:

Since May 1998 we provide a software

update information and downloading service
on our web sites:


you will be able to inform and download the
latest version, and re-program your EPROM.

But for this, the customer must be able to

burn an EPROM.

1 Foreword