Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual
Page 19

R2M User's Guide V1.11
Page 19
8). The table below shows some typical relations between gate length and the
resulting arpeggio time (in measures).
Gate length
arpeggio time
5-5 Norm CV
Range 0 to - 96
This parameter is used to define an offset for the note messages in the arpeggio
memory to make sure that the control voltage generated at the CV1 output is in the
range 0...+5V. The norm CV value is subtracted from the note number before CV1 is
generated. The default value is –36. This corresponds to the lowest "C" of a standard
five octave Midi keyboard. With this setting the Midi note number 36 corresponds to
CV1 = 0V. If the CV1 does not output correct voltages while the arpeggio is working
(e.g. CV1 is permanently +5V or outputs only voltages in the range +3...+5V) the
norm CV parameter has to be changed so that the CV1 voltage is in the range
0...+5V. If the total arpeggio width is more than 5 octaves CV1 will be able to output
only a 5 octave share of the arpeggio notes.
This parameter has no influence to the Midi messages sent by R2M but only to CV1.
If the arpeggiator seems not to work please check the following:
5-1 Mode has to be set to NoteOn/Off, NoteHold or NoteWrite, but not Off
A Midi keyboard has to be connected to Midi Input and corresponding Midi note
messages have to be sent to the R2M (depending upon the selected mode 5-1)
The Midi channel of the keyboard has to match with the Midi channel 3-1 of the
5-3 Sync has to be set to INT_BPM or MOD&BPM or External
If 5-3 Sync is External a Midi Start message and Midi Clock messages have to
be sent by the Midi keyboard too
Menu 6: Start/Stop (arpeggio)
This menu is a bit different from the others as the menu button works even as
start/stop control for the arpeggiator and the menu does not contain sub-menus. It is
a special function button to have fast access to the start and stop function of the
Operating the menu button toggles between Start and Stop of the arpeggiator
provided that the arpeggiator is not turned off (5-1) and the synchronisation is not
external (5-3). If the arpeggiator is turned off or set to external sync the menu button
6 does not work.
The LED above the button turns on when the arpeggiator is running and turns off
when it is stopped. Simultaneously the tempo can be adjusted with the up/down
buttons and the BPM value is shown in the display.
Remark: The display shows only the internal BPM value (not the BPM value of the
incoming Midi clock if the R2M is controlled by Midi start/stop/clock).