Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual

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R2M User's Guide V1.11

Several quantization tables are available and can be chosen in this menu:

12 tone

all 12 semitones of an octave are generated


only the tones of the major scale are generated


only the tones of the minor scale are generated


only fundamental and quart


only fundamental and quint


only the tones of the major chord are generated


only the tones of the minor chord are generated


only fundamental, quart and sixth


only fundamental, quint and sixth


only the tones of the major chord and the sixth are generated


only the tones of the minor chord and the sixth are generated


only fundamental, quart and seventh


only fundamental, quint and seventh


only the tones of the major chord and the seventh are generated


only the tones of the minor chord and the seventh are generated

The function is very similar to the Quantizer module A-156 of the A-100 system.
Please look at the manual of the A-156 if you want to know more about quantizers.
The manual can be downloaded from our web site as pdf file.

4-2 Number octave
Range: 1 - 5

This parameter determines the number of octaves (1 - 5) that correspond to the full
range (~ 50cm) of the position sensor.

4-3 Retrigger time
Range: 0 – 100 milliseconds

This is the retrigger time measured in milliseconds that is used for the note messages
b and d described in menu 2-1. The retrigger time is the time interval between gate
off and gate on state resp. between note of and note on messages for note events.
Please refer to chapter 2-1 for details.

4-4 Transpose offset
Range: 0 – 96

Incoming Midi note events (e.g. from a Midi keyboard) can be used to transpose the
R2M Midi note messages provided that the Midi channel corresponds to the Midi
channel of the R2M (see chapter 3-1). The transpose offset is the note number value
that is subtracted from the incoming note number before the transposition is

Example: For incoming Midi note messages the note number 36 has to be the
reference, i.e. note number 36 corresponds to zero transpose, 37 to one semitone
transpose up, 38 to two semitones transpose up and so on. In this case the
transpose offset 36 has to be chosen.

A special case is transpose offset = 00. This deactivates the transpose function and
the incoming note events are simply merged in the messages generated by the R2M
provided that the Midi channel corresponds to the Midi channel of the R2M.