Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual
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R2M User's Guide V1.11
R2M does not recognize the gate on/off/on transition the retrigger time 4-3 has to be
increased until the gate transition is recognized by the receiver. The Midi messages
are sent on the Midi channel adjusted in menu 3-1.
Only in this mode b the quantization (see 4-1) is active.
Note & pitch relative
In this mode pitch bend data are generated in addition to the note on message of
mode b as the finger glides over the position sensor without releasing the finger.
Touching the position sensor generates a Midi note on message and the
corresponding pitch control voltage CV1 (so far the same as mode a). If the finger
glides over the position sensor without releasing the finger only pitch bend data are
generated after the initial note on message. If the finger is released a note off
message is generated. To generate another note on message the position sensor
has to be touched again.
The pitch bend data depend upon the position difference between the starting point
and the current position of the finger, and the value of the pitch scale 3-4. Pay
attention that the pitch scale has to correspond to the setting of the pitch scale of the
receiver (for details refer to 3-4). The retrigger time 4-3 has no meaning in this mode.
The Midi messages are sent on the Midi channel adjusted in menu 3-1.
This is what we call the "Trautonium mode" as this is just the behaviour of the
Trautonium invented by Mr Trautwein early in the 19th century. For details about the
Trautonium please refer to our web site
Note & pitch absolute
This mode is a combination of the modes b and c. Touching the position sensor
generates a Midi note on message and the corresponding pitch control voltage CV1
(so far the same as mode a and b). If the finger position does not correspond exactly
to a semitone resp. Midi note (normally this will be true) a "pitch bend correction" is
send immediately after the note message to shift the tone to the exact value.
As the finger glides over the position sensor without releasing the finger for the
present pitch bend data are generated. As soon as the finger reaches a position that
corresponds to another semitone a Midi note off message for the "old" note is
generated and the gate output turns off. After the retrigger time 4-3 the new note on
message is generated and the pitch bend starts with its neutral value. Simultaneously
the corresponding CV1 is generated and the gate output turns on. The main
difference between mode b and mode c is that a new note on message is generated
as soon as the finger reaches a position that corresponds to a new note. If mode b is
selected no new note message is generated in this situation but only pitch bend
messages ! The Midi messages are sent on the Midi channel adjusted in menu 3-1.
This mode is used to generate pitch bend data. In addition note on/off messages with
a fixed note number can be generated. Provided that the parameter 3-2 Note/Ctrl.
Nummer is in the range 1-126 a note on message is generated as soon as the
sensor is touched. The corresponding note off message is generated as soon as the
finger is removed from the sensor. The note number corresponds to the parameter 3-
2 Note/Ctrl. Nummer. If this parameter is set to zero the note on/off messages are not
generated but only pitch bend data. In this case a note on message has to be
generated by another Midi transmitter (e.g. a keyboard connected to the Midi input of
R2M). Otherwise no sound can be heard in the receiver as pitch bend messages only
generate no audible tones.