Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual
Page 10

Page 10
R2M User's Guide V1.11
Description of menus and parameters
Some parameters have an interdependence or cannot be explained without the
function of another parameters. Consequently it is sometimes unavoidable to refer to
a parameter that may be described in another menu that may follow later. In the
chapter Typical applications on page 21 some standard examples of the R2M are
Please put the manual in front of you with the connector that leads to the control box
on the right side.
Menu 1: CV parameter
number of parameters: 3
This menu contains all parameters that refer to the analog control voltages CV1 and
CV2 generated by the R2M.
1-1 Trigger polarity [1]
Range: 0 , 1
This parameter refers to the function of the gate output.
0 / normal: 0
+5 V when the position sensor is touched
0 V
when the position sensor is released
1 / inverted: +5V
0 V
when the position sensor is touched
+5 V when the position sensor is released
Remark 1: If the device connected to the gate output behaves reverse the trigger
polarity has to be changed.
Remark 2: If a device with switched trigger (S-Trig) is controlled by the R2M the
inverted gate mode has to be selected and the hardware modification for switched
trigger described in the attachment has to be carried out (removing a jumper inside
the R2M).
1-2 Direction [1]
Range: 0 , 1
This parameter refers to the coherence between the movement of the finger that
touches the position sensor and the resulting Midi message resp. control voltage
0 / normal: Moving the finger to the right causes an increasing control voltage CV1
1 / inverted: Moving the finger to the right causes a decreasing control voltage CV1
1-3 Direction [2]
Range: 0 , 1
This parameter refers to the coherence between the pressure applied to the manual
and the resulting Midi message resp. control voltage CV2.
0 / normal:
Increasing pressure causes an increasing control voltage CV2
1 / inverted: Increasing pressure causes a decreasing control voltage CV2