Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual

Page 17

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R2M User's Guide V1.11

Page 17

Menu 5: Arpeggio

number of parameters: 5

An arpeggiator takes apart the notes from a chord and outputs them as a sequence
of notes. Different methods can be used to generate the arpeggio pattern. The main
parameters of an arpeggiator are tempo, order (or sequence), transpose and gate
length. The tempo determines the time between two succeeding arpeggio notes. The
order of the arpeggio notes are defined by the order of the storage of the notes in the
arpeggio memory. The transposition is controlled by the position sensor of the R2M.
The gate length determines the relation between Midi clock resp. internal clock and
the arpeggio tempo.

5-1 Mode
Range: a - d

This parameter defines the basic arpeggio function.











The arpeggiator is turned off. All notes in the arpeggio memory are deleted.


Note on/off

Any incoming Midi note on message is stored into the arpeggio memory. The
corresponding note off messages deletes the note in the arpeggio memory. At the
Midi keyboard that is used to generate the note messages the desired keys have to
be held down.


Note hold

Same as b but the note off messages have no effect. Instead of this the same note
on message is used to delete the note from the memory, i.e. the keys of the keyboard
have a toggle function relating to the arpeggio memory.


Note write

Same as c but the notes in the memory are not deleted – neither with note on nor
with note off messages. As soon as the capacity of the arpeggio memory is exceeded
the old notes are deleted and replaced by the new ones. It is not possible to delete
certain notes of the memory. To erase the complete memory the off mode a has to
be called up.

In all modes the arpeggio memory remains unchanged when the arpeggiator is
stopped. The arpeggio starts at the same position as soon as a succeeding start is
triggered. To erase the arpeggio memory the off mode a has to be called up.
If any arpeggio mode is selected the merging of incoming Midi data is no longer
working. Incoming Midi messages are used for the arpeggio function only.