Doepfer R2M Midi-Ribbon-Controller User Manual
Page 14

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R2M User's Guide V1.11
case a reset has to be carried out at the Midi receiver or the volume has to be set to
a normal value otherwise. Same applies e.g. for filter frequency too.
Menu 3: Midi parameter
number of parameters: 4
This menu contains all parameters that are required to complete the Midi messages
of chapter 2 (e.g. Midi channel, control change number, pitch scale).
3-1 Midi channel [1]
Range: 1 – 16
This is the Midi channel for all Midi messages specified in chapter 2. The Midi
channel is the same for all messages generated by the R2M. This channel is also
used for incoming Midi messages (e.g. incoming note messages for transpose,
arpeggio, and the merging of channel voice messages).
3-2 Note / controller number [1]
Range: 0 - 127
In case that a note message is assigned to the position sensor in menu 2-1 this is the
lowest Midi note number that corresponds to the left-most position of the manual (in
case of a non-inverted position sensor). The default value is 36, i.e. the lowest "C" of
a standard five octave Midi keyboard. By changing this value the R2M manual can be
transposed to any desired value.
In case that a control change message is assigned to the position sensor in menu 2-1
this is the controller number of the Midi control change message. Typical values are
01 (modulation) or 07 (volume).
This parameter has no influence to CV1 but only to the Midi messages. CV1 outputs
0V at the leftmost position of the manual in any case.
3-3 Controller number [2]
Range: 0 - 127
In case that a control change message is assigned to the pressure sensor in menu 2-
2 this is the controller number of the Midi control change message. Typical values are
01 (modulation) or 07 (volume).
This parameter has no influence to CV2 but only to the Midi messages.
3-4 Pitch scale [2]
Range: 0 - 255
In case that in menu 2-1 the Midi event c (note & pitch relative) or d (note & pitch
absolute) has been chosen it is necessary that the pitch bend scales for both the
R2M and the Midi receiver are matched. The Midi pitch bend message does not
transmit an absolute pitch information but only a relative information. The pitch bend
data reach from 0 (lowest pitch bend) via 64 (neutral) to 127 (maximum pitch bend).
The full pitch bend data range 0...127 may cover
± one semitone, ± one quint, ± one
octave or any other intervall according to the setting of the Midi receiver.
Consequently the pitch scales of the R2M and the Midi receiver have to match for the
Midi events c or d mentioned above. Otherwise the pitch change caused by note
messages (i.e. absolute semitone intervals) will be not the same as for pitch changes
caused by pitch bend messages.