Checkline RH6 User Manual

Page 3

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Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc.



Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc.




Relative air humidity:
indicates the relation between the current water vapour
pressure and the maximal possible water vapour pressure (called saturation vapour

The relative humidity shows the degree the air is saturated with water vapour. For

50% relative humidity indicates that at the current temperature and the current
pressure the air is saturated with water vapour for half of its value, 100 % relative
humidity means that the air is totally saturated. When the air has more than 100 %
of relative humidity, the excessive moisture would condense or form fog.

Absolute humidity: shows the contained amount of water in gramme per cubic
metre of air. The absolute humidity is a direct degree for the amount of water vapour
contained in a certain air volume. It shows how much moisture can maximally
condense or how much water has to be evaporated to receive a certain desired air

Dew point temperature: The dew point indicates the temperature that the not
completely saturated air has to reach in order to be completely saturated with water
vapour. If the room with the current relative humidity is cooled down to the dew point
temperature, the water vapour begins to condense.

EMC wood: shows the equilibrium moisture content of wood (for timber stored
under these conditions) in % moisture content of wood and the temperature in the
selected unit (°C or °F).

aH kraftliner: shows the equilibrium moisture content of kraftiner paper (for paper
stored under these conditions) in % moisture content and the temperature in the
selected unit (°C or °F).

aH testliner: shows the equilibrium moisture content of testliner paper (for paper
stored under these conditions) in % moisture content and the temperature in the
selected unit (°C or °F).

empty curves: can be used to calibrate some special products