Checkline FGS-100PX User Manual

Page 14

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The display in the “No” box shows “1”, and the “LENGTH, SPEED, CYCLE” display shows “----”. The

“1” designates the next position of a cycle that the test stand will move to. This position is defi ned as

set point 1. Ensure that the correct LED indicator for “Speed A” or “Speed B” is illuminated so that

the test stand will travel at the intended speed. (see photo)

Using the “PUSH” or “PULL” button, move the

test stand force gauge platform to position 1.

Press the “SET” key.

(Note: If a programmed force limit is detected

by the force gauge, the test stand will not move

through the entire programmed distance and the

test stand will then return to set point zero.)

The display in the “No” box shows “2”, and the
“LENGTH, SPEED, CYCLE” display shows “----
”. The “2” designates the next position of a cycle
that the test stand will move to. This position
is defi ned as set point 2. Using the “PUSH” or
“PULL” and the “SPEED A” or “SPEED B” control
knobs move the force gauge to position 2

The display in “No” box shows “3”, and the “LENGTH,

SPEED, CYCLE” display shows “----”. Repeat these steps

outlined in the above paragraph up to a maximum of 5


If no more steps are desired, press the “SET” key while
the “LENGTH, SPEED, CYCLE” display shows “----” to
fi nish programming the test stand.

Speed knob A and B. Desired speed can be
selected by pressing the “Speed” Button.

Shown point zero ready to accept entry.
Use Push and Pull button to increment
and decrement value.

Press the “SET” key.

NOTE: If the programmed force limit is detected by the force gauge the test stand will not move the entire

programmed distance and the force gauge will return to set point zero.

It is not necessary to provide entries for all 5 set points. The test stand will work with one set point. If more

than two set points are entered and a change in the value of the second set point is required, re-enter the set

points for both entries. The distances (length) for the test stand program are accumulative, and dependent

on the previous set point. The distances (length) for the test stand program are accumulative, and

dependent on the previous set point.