Manual mode – Checkline MX2 User Manual

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W A R N I N G –

1. Test samples can break or shatter, wear eye

and body protection to avoid injury.

2. Do not exceed the capacity of the test

stand. Be sure to set the upper and lower
travel limits to avoid overload.

Available for mounting to test stand.

Distance Meter Specifications

Push button for inch/mm, zero set and on/off

Resolution 0.0005"/0.01mm


0.1% of reading or 0.005"/0.1mm, whichever is greater



Manual Mode/Jog Move is used mainly to position the cross head
prior to testing and for precise increment testing.
When power is turned on, Manual Mode/Speed Adjust is the startup
screen. There are two menu items in the Manual Mode, Speed Adjust
and Jog Move. Press the program dial to toggle the menu items.

Manual Mode Operation
Press and hold

, and the cross head moves up at the speed set in

Speed Adjust, stopping when it reaches the upper travel limit. Press
and hold

and the cross head moves down, stopping when it

reaches the lower travel limit. The cross head stops when either
button is released.
Press and hold

and the cross head moves up at maximum speed

(displayed on the screen) stopping when it reaches the upper travel
limit. Press and hold

and the cross head moves down, stopping

when it reaches the lower travel limit. The cross head stops when
either button is released.

Jog Move Operation
Use Jog Move to test or position by turning the dial to move the
gauge and attachment in precise increments.

Speed Adjust
Speed Adjust is displayed at the
bottom of the screen. Turn the
program dial to set the speed.

Jog Move
Jog Move is displayed at the bottom of
the screen. Turn the dial to make
precise adjustments to the cross head
for positioning and testing.
Each click of the dial moves the cross head (standard speed, under no
load) approximately .015mm for MX2-110 and .01mm for MX2-275.
All the up and down speed buttons work in Jog Move.


5.50 in/min



5.50 in/min