Brookfield CAP1000 Viscometer User Manual

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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.


Manual No. M02-32A0607

Note: 1. CAP Viscometers allow for only one cone at a time of the same cone number to

be calibrated to the viscometer. Multiple cones of the same cone number must each
be calibrated to the viscometer before operation (refer to Appendix B).

2. A special feature of the CAP series viscometers allows the user to perform a cone
calibration with viscosity standard fluids.

3. Cones entered as 11 through 99 must be first calibrated following the directions in

Section III.

If you are not going to calibrate the cone, continue by pressing the

NO key, then the ENtER

key. The viscometer will display the MAIN SCREEN (Figure II-1).

If you are going to calibrate the cone, press the

YEs key, refer to Section III, and follow the

calibration instructions under

Cone Calibration.

II.3 speed setting

The CAP 1000+ is a single speed viscometer. It is supplied from the factory in two configura-

tions: standard and custom. The speed of rotation is shown in the lower right corner of the



The CAP 1000+ Viscometer is supplied with two speeds: 750 RPM and 900 RPM. All CAP

1000+ Viscometers are factory-set at 900 RPM. To change the setting, press and hold the


key during the power up sequence. Choose “1=SPEED (RPM)” from the special functions

screen and select the required speed. This selection will become the default speed.


The CAP 1000+ Viscometer is configured to operate at one speed as specified at the time of

order. This speed is indicated on the instrument serial tag.

To begin spindle rotation, press the

RUN key.

II.4 temperature Control setting

Press the TEMP key and the current temperature setting will blink. The default temperature on

start-up is 25.0°C on low temperature models and 50.0°C on high temperature models.

The temperature ranges are:

Low temperature: 5°C (or 15°C below ambient, whichever is higher) to 75°C

High temperature: 50°C to 235°C

Use the number keys to type in the required set point. The temperature can be set in increments

of 0.1°C. You can turn off the heater by entering 0 on the high temperature unit only.

Use the

ENtER key to accept the new set point.

Note: Thermal equilibrium of the sample and of the spindle must be considered for best

measurement results. Upon powering up the Viscometer or after changing the tem-

perature set point, allow sufficient time for the plate to reach the desired temperature.